Sunday routine

How to Create a Sunday Routine for a Low Stress Week

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Does your weekend fly by and all of a sudden its Sunday night and you are not prepared for Monday yet? I used to be like that. I would enjoy my weekend whether we had plans for it or not then it would be 4PM on Sunday and I would have to still make my lunch for the week, switch over laundry and fold clothes and put them away. Plus make dinner for Sunday night….. It was a lot. 

I finally decided that I needed to be more productive with my time for Sunday. I created a Sunday routine for me that works for our schedules. It allows me to prep for the week ahead and also have some relaxing time for my Sunday as well. I always feel accomplished by the end of the day and prepared for the week ahead. 

Starting a Sunday Routine will help reduce your stress for the week and will decrease your procrastination on getting it all done. Do you even have the feeling of anxiety on Sunday night when you think about Monday? I no longer have that because I feel prepared for it. There are still some things I plan for my Sunday so it doesn’t feel so hectic, like not setting the alarm and just having some family time. 

Wake Up Without an Alarm

sunday routine laundry

Don’t set the alarm unless you need to. This is a perfect time to catch up on sleep and have an easy morning waking up. Now, I have a 6-year-old boy who doesn’t know how to sleep past 7, but that’s ok because I still can sleep in some on Sunday. 


I sometimes have to set a reminder in my phone after I start laundry to move it to the dryer or take it out and fold it. I just get busy with what I need to do that I forget about it. I’ll eventually get to it but it’s easier to take care of it right when it’s finished, especially if you have more than 1 load to get through. 


This is a great time to prepare your space for the week ahead and clean what’s needed. It doesn’t have to be a whole house clean but if you do the bathrooms and vacuum and sweep and mop each week then it helps keep your home organized for the following week. We have a robot vacuum that I will run during the week if needed but we usually have Lego pieces on the floor so we always check before we dump the container.  

sunday routine meal prep

Meal Plan

In previous posts, I have written about a monthly meal plan and how much that has helped organize my life, you can check it out here. This is a step in my Sunday routine because it helps keep me on track for our meals for the week. I will prep fruits and veggies aa well as lunches if needed. I’ll typically make my lunch for the week and any breakfast meat we will have as well. It usually takes me about an hour to prep everything for my family but it’s worth it not to have to worry about it during the week. This alone will save a lot of time during the week not only with dinner prep but to just have lunches ready to grab and go in the morning. 

Look Back on the Previous Week

Look at what you didn’t get to that you wanted to from the previous week. Is it still something that needs to be done or should we just not worry about it? Any meals that weren’t liked or that had to get moved around because events came up?

Review the Weeks Schedule

Are there any doctor appointments? Any gatherings or events that will change a meal plan? Were there certain tasks that need to be completed this coming week? This is a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with your upcoming week. It will allow you to prepare and be ready for certain events coming up. We had our nephew’s birthday and we went out to dinner for it. It was a great time but it landed on a Wednesday so I had to change the dinner plans and make sure we remembered the gift for him. 

Plan Clothes for the Week

Pick out what you want to wear the night before so it makes the morning not as stressful. If you have a uniform to wear then just lay it out with all the pieces you’ll need. If you have kids, have them start picking out their clothes as well for the week ahead or even the night before to make it an easier morning for all. 

sunday routine reading


Think you can sneak in a little time to read? Pick something that you enjoy reading and will be able to get lost in the story. I love losing myself in a good book for a time. This is a perfect way to relax and have some time for yourself. 

sunday routine bath time

Self Care Sunday

I love having some time for self care. This has a different meaning to everyone. Some ideas would be a face mask, paint your nails, take a bath, do a hair mask, sit in silence, read, or journal. There are so many ideas for self care but all that matters is that you feel relaxed. 

Prepare School and Work Bags

Doing this will help in the morning to prepare anything that is needed in the morning. Are there any school papers that need to be looked at? Anything that needs to be taken to work tomorrow? This is a great time to get everything together. 

sunday routine family game night

Family Time

Get some quality family time in before the week starts. This is a great time to reset as a family before the work and school week begins. Pick a movie to watch together or maybe a favorite TV show. Growing up we would always watch America’s Funniest Home Videos together, it was so much fun. Play a board or card game too. These are options to just spend quality time together. 

Final Thoughts

These are some ideas to help you create your own Sunday Routine. Whether you plan to just do laundry and meal prep or any of the other options. As long as you feel like you are prepared for the week ahead, that’s all that matters. If you have your own routine for your Sunday to prep, then leave it in the comments below. I’d love to hear your routines.

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